The Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) was launched in 2003 with the mission to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation and impact of journals published in open access.
Dialnet is a bibliographic portal with the aim of making Hispanic scientific literature visible, mainly focused on the fields of human, legal and social sciences.
RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert) is a cooperative repository that allows to consult open access articles from journals published in Catalonia.
ERIHPLUS collects european academic journals in the field of social sciences and humanities. It also facilitates the access to articles published in the indexed journals.
ÍnDICEs CSIC is a multidisciplinary bibliographic resource that collects and disseminates research articles published in Spanish scientific journals. It currently acts as a journal directory because the updating of the documents' database has been interrupted.
Evaluation resources
Latindex is a bibliographic information system that includes journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. Quaestio facti meets all the requirements (38/38).
MIAR is an information matrix that gathers data collected from journal directories and databases in order to facilitate the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their diffusion. November 2024: c0+m2+e1+x3
ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) has added Quaestio facti as an accredited journal and has included it as a "Class A" journal in the fields of Philosophy of Law (12/H3), Criminal Procedural Law (12/G2) and Civil Procedural Law (12/F1).
Scopus is a bibliographic reference, abstract, and citation database with an international and multidisciplinary scope.
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